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Behind the History of Pinto Aceh : A portait of Acehnese People’s Protection of their Acestral Heritage of Aceh Besar

Sumber : Google

  Pinto Aceh is one of the typical jewerlry of Acehnese people who used to be commonly used as knick knacks that are characteristic of Aceh.Its be awere “ Pinto Aceh” is one of the five forms of traditional Acehnese artwork that are designated as Indonesia cultural heritage that is : Tari Dampeng ( Aceh singkil), Tari Bines ( Gayo Lues), Tari Rapai Geleng ( Aceh Barat Daya), Tari Rabbani Wahid ( Bireun), and jewerly pinto Aceh.
   Pinto Aceh slender shape with bars of grille decorated with flower motif added as a complement with tassel along of both sides. Design pinto Aceh obtained from monument left by Sultan Iskandar Muda named is pinto khob. The monument that is now around it is made into a recreational park loked on the river ( krueng Daroy), it was said that it used to be the back door of the keraton Aceh, specifically for the entry and exit of the empress Sultan Iskandar Muda along with the lady in waiting if the empress goes to the river bank to take a bath. Now the park is named Tanian Putro Phang ( Taman putri Phang), the name of empress from the design of the small gate the pinto khob was taken as a motif for the jewerly called pinto Aceh.
   The emergence of pinto Aceh motif jewerly when in 1926 the Dutch goverment in Kutaraja ( Banda Aceh ) hold satteling ( Night market ) the biggest was held on the esplanade ( Blang padang field ) on the night market was given the opportunity to the gold and silver craftsmen to open a stand to show and show off their skills workof hand they skills. After over night market, one of the craftsmen gets a certificate his name is Mahmud Ibrahim in village Blang oi because mahmud knows as an engraver of gold and silver, he was given the tittle as utoh Mud. Evidently the utoh Mud at that time was also well know by high rangking people and important people at that time. The Dutch people and their families also often order or buy a varienty of traditional Acehnese jewerly in the center of their craft business in a bulding that stands firmly at that time which is now called the way bakongan and in the end the bulding has been demolished. Utoh Mud who pocketed many prestigious certificates at that time for his satisfying skills in 1935 test their creativity at that time as a handyman who is famous and familiar to Acehnese people by creating his work as jewerly in the from of Aceh example is brooch.
   The pinto Aceh motif jewerly making skills that are increasingly popular among Acehnese people are the most orienred in that direction, the golden shop owners who were knows to leave Aceh since 1950_an were located on the trade street Banda Aceh and until now her child continued the training until it fell down to the present. The motif pinto Aceh has many tassel gold theread needs to be woven by hand. Its the most complicate work to take a shortcut there is a caretaker who acts rashly as long as it is seen at a glance the painstaking artificial results and as long as they are indeed similiar. If you examine carefully it can be seen where pinto Aceh is of ggod quality and which ones are made inaccurately. The pinto Aceh motif finally developed rapidaly until this time quite capable of being produced by the artisans.The firts apperance of this motif in 1930_an only served as a complement to the chain of jewerly on the neck which was hung as a pedant.

https : //  > indonesia > pinto - Aceh.
http :// contex&task=v iew diaskses 9 juni 2012 pukul 8.00 WIB Ufrida,Opcit,hal.27
Muhammad Djumhana dan R.Djubaedillah,Hak milik Intelektual,sejarah,Teori dan Prakteknya di Indonesia, (Bandung : PT.Citra Aditya Bakti,1993).Hal.52
Rachmadi Usman,Hukum Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual Perlindungan dan Dimensi Hukumnya di Indonesia,(Bandung : PT.Alumni,2003),hal.22
NK Supasti Dharmawa. Perlindungan Hukum Atas Karya-karya Intelektual Di Bidang Hak Cipta dan Desain Industri,(Denpasar Bali:Makalah Seminar HKI,2003),hal 5


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